11th KAUNAS PHOTO festival kicks off

Feel invited to discover the program of the festival, come to talks, conferences and exhibitions. We will have three of them at M.Žilinskas Art Gallery! The events and exhibitions will run from Sep 3 to Oct 12, 2014. List of KAUNAS PHOTO events >>

Three exhibitions about a Lithuanian idol – the CAR

February 25 and 26, March 1,  2011 will mark three openings of three exhibitions of photographs by Mindaugas Kavaliauskas. For the first time presented will be his works from series “AUTO -Portraits and -Landscapes”. It is the firs presentation of this project focused on the automotive culture in Lithuania.

Daily “Kauno diena” about the award I received

http://kauno.diena.lt/naujienos/menas/tukstancio-litu-premija-didesne-uz-nacionaline-332016 Article available in Lithuanian only ;)

M.Kavaliauskas gets Award of Kaunas Art Creator’s Association

Photographer Mindaugas Kavaliauskas, sculptor Leonas Strioga, poet Robertas Keturakis were awarded prizes of Kaunas Art Creator’s Association. The award ceremony was held in Kaunas Town Hall on February 10, 2011. The award for Mindaugas Kavaliauskas was discerned for his book “Portrait of Kraziai” and other photographic projects. Article of Kaunas Daily “Kauno diena” (in Lithuanian).

Colleagues thought I was a memorable artist of Kaunas in 2010

Kaunas House of Artists is about to elect the most memorable artist of Kaunas, as they are doing in the end of each year. During several years I have been participating in the selection panel, but this year my colleagues suggested me to make a break, and sugested to the panel that I might be […]

Exhibition about North Korea at F Galerija, Kaunas

Posted on Nov 10, 2010 in F Galerija, News & Stand-Alone Posts, Exhibitions, Events

2010 m. lapkričio 12 d. penktadienį 17.00 Žaliakalnio funikulieriaus F Galerijoje (Aušros g. 6, Kaunas) atidaroma fotografijų paroda „Kelionė į Šiaurės Korėją“. Autorius – fotografas iš Kinijos Liu Yuan suteikia galimybę pažvelgti į fragmentiškus, dažnais atvejais slapčia padarytus spragtelėjimus-atvaizdus iš šiandieninio Pchenjano ir Šiaurės Korėjos provincijos gyvenimo. Rodoma pirmą kartą Europoje, ši fotografijų paroda F Galerijoje bus atvira žiūrovams iki 2010 m. gruodžio 19 d. Parodoje bus pristatoma ir knyga „Kelionė į Šiaurės Korėją“.