“Sabonis 220” leasurewear brand launch event
September 6 was marked by a lauch of a new leasurewear brand “Sabonis 220”, surely, with the basketball legend Arvydas Sabonis. Some of my shots made in Palanga in July 2011 of first public greeting of the brand are featured here at the frontpage of http://www.sabonis220.lt/. As my clients requested “Sabas” needed to appear in […]
Flaming Christimas Ice
With Christmas approaching, Lithuania traditionally will embrace a number of skating art performaces “Faming Christmas Ice” in arenas of major towns, organized by and featuring the stars of figure skating Povilas Vanagas and Margarita Drobiazko. I am happy to contribute to this wonderful show of figure skating, sound and light with a my photographic input. […]
Workshop of night photography
Starting December 16 d. Registration open. Workshop place – Kaunas, Lithuania. More info: info@light.lt
New Page started: Wedding Photography
Link >> https://www.light.lt/studio/vestuviu-fotografija/?lang=en
Wish you fast recovery, Arvydas! And long live the hobby of photography
News about the health cisis of the most famous Lithuania basketball personality, Arvydas Sabonis, resonated internationally. For me personally, it was a hint to think about the crazy speed and rythm and pressure under which we live on the daily basis. My blog, which has been silent for a month or so was not because […]
Party Blackberoids :) – when photographer’s no longer workin’
The first weekend of May for me was in the annual dentitry conference in Palanga, Vanagupė Hotel / convention centre. The multi-day photographing rush suggested me some new creative ideas. Such as… During the main party I have put my SLR aside to make some easy snaps of a new-old style. Old… because, I used […]