travel’AIR – The Luncheon on the Grass
Beauvais Tillé airport (BVA) is called “Paris” by cheap airlines. Well, Paris is probably the last thing that comes to one’s mind while visiting Beauvais airport. Not even a sense of a metropolis there… Neither the buildings, nor the infra-structure reminds of a hub, connecting this city of France to any possible country in Europe.
One thing that changes a lot is that Beauvais is home for a great photo festival, “Photaumnales”, which similarly to KAUNAS PHOTO, was founded in 2004 and is held annually.
In September of 2012, after the opening of an exhibition of Lithuanian photography within “Photaumnales”, I was about to fly home from Beauvais. After crunching my own snack outdoors, I was about to enter the terminal, but I stopped for that last look at the eternal France, where classical images still live on. I mean, a lunch on the grass was as important in the times of impressionism as it is in the days of cheap air travel…
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