LIGHT.LT travel'AIR - some more ice cream | LIGHT.LT

travel’AIR – some more ice cream

Posted on Apr 14, 2014 in Shot & Word, Books, Portfolio, Travel'AIR
travelAIR. Traveller from South Africa flying to New York is offered some more ice cream. 2010

travelAIR. Traveller from South Africa flying to New York is offered some more ice cream. 2010

On this sunny spring day, airborne over Greenland, a group of us passengers were standing in the back of the Jumbo. Some were admiring the landscapes of glaciers, while the two of us – me and a passenger from South Africa were unanimous, pointing our looks towards the cabin crew members, who had just completed one of their ice-cream hand-out cat-walk. Both of us clearly preferred ice-cream, to landscapes of endless ice, hoping to get some more of caramel-flavored ice-cream. Hopefully, my arrival to New York photo festival will be sweeter…

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