LIGHT.LT Portfolio 1 - Portrait of Kražiai | LIGHT.LT

Portfolio 1 – Portrait of Kražiai

Posted on Nov 11, 2010 in Photo story, Books, Portfolio

“Portrait of Kražiai” is one of my long term projects, that I can consider accomplished after the book of the same name was published in the end of year 2009 (Šviesos raštas, Kaunas, Lithuania).

My first visit to the historic village of Kražiai (North Western Lithuania) was in autumn 2001, while most part of the year 2002 I spent driving between Kaunas, where I live, to Kražiai, covering the distance of some 15000 km.

I was all ends into working on “Portrait of Kražiai”, because having returned to Lithuania, I was keen to record the Lithuanian province in transition. I was seeing the vanishing visual rudiments of the Soviet years, the new rules of market changing the everyday daily life, the iconography of globalization and the pre-reality show era.

In the gallery below are the first nineteen images from my book “Portrait of Kraziai”.

Buy the book “Portrait of Kražiai”

(c) Mindaugas Kavaliauskas