travel’AIR – brandy included
Remember these days, when you did not need to fly business class in order to get a real table covered in front of you. On May 1, 2005 together with a group of Lithuanian culture actors, I was flying to Paris for a European Culture meeting organised by the Ministry of Culture & Communication of […]
travel’AIR – red refreshment
On that morning I was flying to Rome, FotoGrafia festival for the opening of my curated exhibition of Lithuanian classics – Sutkus, Macijauskas and Požerskis (at H.C. Andersen museum). The fellow passengers, especially Italians were exited about the parliamentary elections in their country that were about to change the colors of the political life. More […]
travel’AIR – time to dump
I found myself in Zurich airport without an idea to go there. My trip home from New York Photo festival was altered by the ash cloud. Instead of my flight from JFK to Amsterdam I was offered a possibility to wait for the next day’s flight or catch a Europe-bound hop either to Madrid or […]
travel’AIR – cow free airport
Airport is no place for pigs. This view in Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) states that it is not for cows either. My flight to China in 2008 had a 10 hour stop-over at SVO . The terminal did not seem different from the one I visited in the very late 1980s, where people would sleep on […]