Trigubas kvietimas teikti darbus – peržiūroms, festivaliui KAUNAS PHOTO 2015 ir KAUNAS PHOTO STAR prizui
Šis tekstas – tik angliškai :( and KAUNAS PHOTO festival 2015 calling for portfolios from January 7 to February 20, 2015
In early 2015,, on-line portfolio reviews’ platform of KAUNAS PHOTO festival, announces the open call for its third edition. In the time of affluence of images and quest for visibility of newly created works, reviews present a great opportunity to get the work reviewed by a large group of internationally acclaimed and decision-making photography experts from the four corners of the globe. The list of experts can be found here >> Moreover, the call for on-line reviews, bridging photographers and promoters of their work, incorporates the call for works for KAUNAS PHOTO festival’s edition of 2015. It means that photographers can present works on any themes, but also can focus on the theme of KAUNAS PHOTO 2015, „Pursuit„. More than ten artists will be selected for exhibitions at Lithuania’s longest-running photo festival, while one of them will get the KAUNAS PHOTO STAR award – an invitation for a solo exhibition at the remarkable KAUNAS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY with trip, hotel, transportation of works or production of the exhibition covered by KAUNAS PHOTO festival.
When entering their works to, photographers have an opportunity to:
– get their work reviewed by a large group (>40) of internationally acclaimed curators, publishers, gallery owners from across the globe and receive proposals for promotion, exhibition, publication, sales of their work; – obtain a package of valuable statistical data about how his/her works are evaluated; – be selected among TOP-20 and receive additional exposure in slideshows of KAUNAS PHOTO festival and partnering festivals; – get works featured on a number of partnering photo portals; – be selected to exhibit at KAUNAS PHOTO festival 2015 with partial support for travel and accommodation in Kaunas, covered by the festival; – win the KAUNAS PHOTO STAR title and be invited for a solo exhibition at Kaunas Photography Gallery, during KAUNAS PHOTO festival 2015. KAUNAS PHOTO festival covers the winner’s flight or other means of international travel (only partly, if the winner resides beyond limits of geographical borders Europe), hotel accommodation in Kaunas and transportation of works or brings an important contribution towards the material realization of the exhibition.
What kind of works are accepted to 2015 edition?
The call to enter works to is open to all photographers regardless of their age, nationality, country of residence, styles & genres of photography. is a platform where photography experts review mature, finished photographic series or images that make up coherent sets, unified under one title. is open to all themes, styles, approaches, yet we expect series of photographs and picture stories only in sets of 12 images. Unshown and unpublished photography is a preference. Only works matching the theme of KAUNAS PHOTO festival 2015, „Pursuit”, will be considered for the KAUNAS PHOTO STAR award. The KAUNAS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY, venue of the exhibition of the award winner, is vast, and it will need to be filled with a consistent body of high quality works. Therefore photographers are encouraged not to submit single images or parts of small series, regardless of how beautiful or powerful they are. This is why the entry form photographers need to fill out contains questions about whether the works submitted have already been exhibited, published, and of how many images the series consists. Photographers having entered reviews / competitions before are encouraged to submit different bodies of work than entered in previous years.
„Pursuit„, the theme of KAUNAS PHOTO festival 2015
Our century can be identified as time of accelerated lifestyle. The quest for more pleasure, cheaper goods, higher buildings, bigger profits, ever-increasing data bit rate and resolution of images, etc. enqueue us in an endless quest. „Citius, Altius, Fortius” run to a mirage-like horizon might stimulate economic growth and feed the posture of temporary satisfaction. But does it earn the currency of happiness? What are those little ideals, attachments, resources of midnight oil in the turmoil of stressful life that keep people going? What are the things people go for with passion and commitment? What undertakings change their lives and those of others? There is a saying that there is no emptiness in human heart and soul – it needs to be busy with reaching for something or someone. The 12th KAUNAS PHOTO festival will pursue the theme of „Pursuit”. Would the subject be pursuit of happiness or just a survival, hobby or escape from boring reality, attachment to a value or a dedication to a trend, lonesome lifestyle or run after a crowd, chase for rarities or down-to-earth hobbies, the series of photographs or works of visual art that use photography must demonstrate the human desire for spiritual, material, economic, technological, ideological ideals in the making. Works that tell stories or rise discussion about intentional efforts of reaching goals of life and perseverance are welcome to be submitted for eventual inclusion of the program of the 12th KAUNAS PHOTO festival. „Pursuit” is a focus on journey, with a possibly visible blurry background of the destination.
From 2010 on, KAUNAS PHOTO STAR award was given for the winner of traditional face-to-face portfolio reviews, while in 2014, exceptionally, KAUNAS PHOTO festival did not hold face-to-face portfolio reviews. Therefore the KAUNAS PHOTO STAR 2014 will be chosen from 2015 on-line portfolio reviews. Consequently, KAUNAS PHOTO STAR 2014 title remains unattributed until April 2015. An exhibition at KAUNAS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY will be chosen from the pool of on-line reviews. In the process of selection of KAUNAS PHOTO STAR, organizers of the competition might ask short-listed photographers to present a wider selection of work presented at 2015 reviews. KAUNAS PHOTO STAR winner’s flight or other means of international travel (only partly, if the winner resides beyond limits of geographical borders Europe), hotel accommodation in Kaunas and transportation of works or important contribution towards the material realization of the exhibition is covered by KAUNAS PHOTO festival. Winners of previous KAUNAS PHOTO STAR award, who have held their exhibitions at KAUNAS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY (exhibition year follows the year of the title, below):
- Andrejs Strokins (Latvia, 2013)
- Andrei Liankevich (Belarus, 2012)
- Luca Zanier (Switzerland, 2011)
- Eric Lusito (France, 2010)
Entry stages, fees
Stage 1 – entry submitted by email. Entries consist of filled out Entry form .doc or Entry-form .pdf, short artists’ CV, artistic statement a set of up to 12 images. All submissions only to: Learn more on submission of entries >> Stage 2 – within 24 hours after submitting a portfolio /portfolios, entrants receive the confirmation email containing the fee payment details. Stage 3 – entrants choose one of the options and pay the entry fee:
- 29 EUR (Early bird & Loyalty participant) applicable for entries submitted before 19 January and all participants of earlier KAUNAS PHOTO STAR 2012 (on-line reviews) and 2013 edition;
- 39 EUR (Regular fee);
- 59 EUR (Premium fee) includes report with statistics on votes, structure of votes by profiles, geography of reviewers provided after completion of reviews’ period.
Multiple portfolios allowed, but every one of them must be accompanied by a separate entry form, all above listed documents and fee payment. Bulk payments for multiple portfolios allowed. Stage 4 – When fee transfer received, entrant’s participation is confirmed by email.
Time table of reviews 2015
7 January – 20 February – Call for entries 23 February – 7 April – Experts reviewing portfolios 10 April – Announcement of – TOP-20 photographers; – photographers selected for KAUNAS PHOTO festival, independently of TOP-20 or ratings in general. 13 April – Announcement of KAUNAS PHOTO STAR 2014 Winner, chosen from the TOP-20 portfolios by the board of curators of KAUNAS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY. End of May – KAUNAS PHOTO festival start, featuring works of photographers, featured in 2015 reviews Between End of August – End of September – KAUNAS PHOTO STAR Winner’s exhibition at KAUNAS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY and other KAUNAS PHOTO exhibitions.
Author’s rights and other legal aspects
While submitting my works to the competition, photographers declare that they are the only owners of the economic author’s rights to the pictures submitted. They agree that the pictures submitted to the competition, can be reproduced in materials and forms of artistic or media presentation of and KAUNAS PHOTO festival, such as, but not limiting to: flyers, invitation cards, post cards, posters, catalogs, projections, slideshows, web sites, including but not limited to that of KAUNAS PHOTO festival for unlimited time in unlimited territory without any royalty payments. Entrants accept their responsibility for the right to the image of persons, models, places, objects or trade marks appearing in the pictures submitted to on-line portfolio reviews. and KAUNAS PHOTO festival are not agencies or stock photography sites and exercise no activity of direct sales of rights to using the submitted works. All arrangements resulting from on-line portfolio reviews are to be done between photographers or their representatives with the interested parties. and KAUNAS PHOTO festival do not limit the photographers’ /artists’ moral or economic rights to promote, broadcast, exhibit, publish and sell their images submitted to the & KAUNAS PHOTO festival’s open call for works.
(Lithuania, since 2004) has been a festival of premières for future stars of contemporary photography. Being a part of Photo Festival Union and Festivals Of Light Organization, KAUNAS PHOTO festival is the longest-running photographic festival in the Baltic states is a platform for dialogue around contemporary photographic creation between North and South, East and West. Today, more and more competitions (even highly ranked ones), galleries and festivals practice requesting artists to pay for almost every aspect of participation and exhibiting their works – from high entry fees to production of works, travel, accommodation… If selected to exhibit at KAUNAS PHOTO festival, photographers do not need to make huge investments. In most cases, the works are produced to match site-specific settings, at the expense of the festival. If the artists’ works are available to be transported, are in reasonable distance within the EU and match the general idea of exhibition and space in Kaunas, the festival covers transportation and insurance of works. Hotel accommodation for at least 2 days in Kaunas (at festival’s chosen hotel) is paid, if invited artists are available to be present at exhibition openings or purposely arranged guided tours. The only promise the festival is unable to make, is taking the full travel bill. Therefore, a modest contribution to travel costs is offered. Adapted in 2010, this formula has enabled most artists to be present at KAUNAS PHOTO festival exhibition openings or guided tours, artist talks. KAUNAS PHOTO festival is in pursuit of perfection in building exhibitions, respect to artists and by welcoming artists, curators and audience, making world-wide photo exchange happen. For references, please consult a friend of yours. You surely know someone who has exhibited in Kaunas and visited his/her show since 2010… (editions 2004 to 2012) Organisers of the festival: VšĮ Šviesos raštas Kaunas Branch of the Lithuanian Photographers’ Association
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